Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Hello this is Twitter what’s your emergency”, the new CPR Guidelines Are Here

Post Update: 2/14/17 - Yep social media and crowd source technologies are now hitting the street...

The 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines have been made available to the public…perhaps you maybe even stayed up most of the night digesting the new updates. :) It will take some time to digest the updates and even longer to get acquainted with how the new topics will be taught. In the meantime consider looking at the below links for more information. 

As a hint of what is to come I noticed the AHA is suggesting the use of Social Media to obtain medical help (“hello Twitter (vs 911) what’s your emergency”. There are also now two chains of survival – one for in hospital and the other for out of hospital. The in hospital chain of survival puts an emphasis on surveillance, so it looks like we will start to see an increase in computers calculating the patient’s chance of dying. Ok here are some links for those who want extra credit…

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