Friday, March 28, 2014

Of Note...ACLS Course Feedback

At the end of every course we ask our students for feedback on how we did. Today's ACLS renewal class learners noted several interesting points.
When asked What was the most important thing I learned in this session  they said...
  • "the feeling of how long the 2 minutes of CPR can take when you are the team leader".
The point is the only way to conduct a proper ACLS training is to simulate reality. Reality says that after a shock is provided (in a V-fib pulseless V-Tac) there is two mintues of CPR before moving on to the next action. Two minutes of doing only CPR can rattle even the most experienced ACLS provider. Some educators fail to follow the simple principle...simulate reality.

Simulating reality has proven to be deadly for the FBI. The story goes that agents trained on the firing range to pick up their brass as they shot at simulated targets. When it came time for these agents to fire at real people they stopped to pick up their brass. While they picked up their brass the  active shooter started to fire back at them, killing them. The point is train like it's the real thing so you're not missing reality the next time reality stares you in the face. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bill requiring CPR, defibrillator training in Miss. high schools advances

The Senate Education Committee adopted a House bill today to require CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator) training to be taught as part of physical education in grades 9-12. State Sen. Brice Wiggins, R-Pascagoula, said today that the bill is supported by the American Heart Association. It will teach students basic skills, but doesn’t require any certification. Wiggins added an amendment to the bill that would give schools the authority to go beyond just providing minimum training if they choose. “My amendment says school districts can go further and bring in certified teachers,” Wiggins said.
Click Here for full text of this article and video from Clarion Ledger

Baby’s Dramatic Resuscitation on Miami Highway Was Key to Diagnosis

Baby’s Dramatic Resuscitation on Miami Highway Was Key to Diagnosis

The mother of a baby who had to be resuscitated by the side of the road said the incident may have led doctors to the cause of the infant’s distress. Sebastian De La Cruz made headlines last month when a news photographer captured dramatic photos of the infant being resuscitated by his aunt by the side of a Miami highway.  After being resuscitated twice, Sebastian was initially listed in stable condition at a Miami hospital before being released. His mother Paola Vargas told reporters at a news conference on Wednesday that Sebastian had cysts removed from his trachea to help with his breathing, according to the Miami Herald.

Click Here for full text of this article from ABC News

Friday, March 14, 2014

Team Training Approach Yields Significant Improvement in Pediatric Code Outcomes

Thanks to a new training approach, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford have seen pediatric code event survival rates jump from 40 percent to 60 percent. The key? Training all staff, not just doctors and nurses. "In the new study, we involved the entire code team, from attending physicians to security guards, to give everyone the practice they needed to be expert in their roles," said lead author Lynda Knight, RN, MSN. The study aimed to make sure each staff member was ready to take on his or her assigned role, and to ensure that a code team leader was trained and ready to orchestrate the full staff response.

Read more at:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

AED Used on Dallas Stars ice hockey player

Dallas Stars ice hockey player Rich Peverley collapses on the bench with cardiac arrest during first period

Rich Peverley, 31, collapsed on the bench at last night's game 
Team mates frantically jumped off the bench and onto the ice to get help
Medics carried out chest compressions and defibrillated him
Peverley was stabilized, transported to a hospital and is in good condition 


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